Original Price Lists


Effective: 11th October 1993 (Publication No. 4519)

Model Extra cost option availability List Price (£) VAT (£) Total (£)
216 Coupe Catalyst a e f g k n o p t u w 12506.38 2188.62 14695.00
220 Coupe Catalyst a g l n o p v w z 14378.72 2516.28 16895.00
220 Turbo Coupe Catalyst a g l n o p v w 15897.87 2782.13 18680.00
Code List Price (£) VAT (£) Total (£)
Air conditioning a 851.06 148.54 1000.00
Air conditioning & automatic transmission b 1574.47 275.53 1850.00
Alloy wheels 14″ Luxury c 276.60 48.40 325.00
Alloy wheels 15″ Sports d 327.66 57.34 385.00
Anti-lock brakes e 782.98 137.02 920.00
Automatic transmission f 723.40 126.60 850.00
Driver seat height adjuster g 51.06 8.94 60.00
Electric front windows h 255.32 44.68 300.00
Infra-red door locking/alarm set i 80.85 14.15 95.00
Leather trim j 565.96 99.04 665.00
Leather trim (Coupe) k 531.91 93.09 625.00
Leather trim ilo Silverstone/Leather l 246.81 43.19 290.00
Luxury option pack m 744.68 130.32 875.00
Paint finish – Black n 119.15 20.85 140.00
Paint finish – Metallic o 178.72 31.28 210.00
Paint finish – Pearlescent p 234.04 40.96 275.00
Power hood q 527.66 92.34 620.00
Power pack * r 812.77 142.23 955.00
Power steering s 306.38 53.62 360.00
Radio/cassette R750 ilo R652 t 68.09 11.91 80.00
Radio/cassette R950 ilo R652 u 114.89 20.11 135.00
Radio/cassette R950 ilo R750 v 46.81 8.19 55.00
CD Autochanger ** w 340.43 59.57 400.00
Sunroof – electric x 353.19 61.81 415.00
Sunroof – electric ilo manual y 106.38 18.62 125.00
Torque Sensing Traction Control z 285.11 49.89 335.00
Ultrasonic alarm A 63.83 11.17 75.00

* The power pack comprises power operted hood, electric front windows and electric aerial.

** CD Autochanger can only be specified in conjunction with R950


Effective: 19th September 1994 (Publication No. 4801)

Model Extra cost option availability List Price (£) VAT (£) Total (£)
216 Coupe a c d k h l n 13080.85 2289.15 15370.00
220 Coupe a j k l o q 15255.32 2669.68 17925.00
220 Turbo Coupe a j k l o 16859.57 2950.43 19810.00
Code List Price (£) VAT (£) Total (£)
Air conditioning a 893.62 156.38 1050.00
Alloy wheels 15″ Sports b 344.68 60.32 405.00
Anti-lock brakes c 821.28 143.72 965.00
Automatic transmission d 761.70 133.30 895.00
Driver’s airbag e 212.77 37.23 250.00
Electric front windows f 268.09 46.91 315.00
Leather trim g 561.70 98.30 660.00
Leather trim (Coupe) h 548.94 96.06 645.00
Leather trim (Cabriolet) i 591.49 103.51 695.00
Leather trim ilo Cloth/Leather j 255.32 44.68 300.00
Paint finish – Metallic k 187.23 32.77 220.00
Paint finish – Pearlescent l 246.81 43.19 290.00
Power pack * m 893.62 156.38 1050.00
Radio/cassette R950 ilo R652 n 119.15 20.85 140.00
Radio/cassette R950 ilo R750 o 49.36 8.64 58.00
Sunroof – electric p 370.21 64.79 435.00
Torque Sensing Traction Control q 297.87 52.13 350.00
Ultrasonic alarm r 68.09 11.91 80.00
Power steering s 323.40 56.60 380.00

* The power pack comprises power operted hood, electric front windows and electric aerial.


Effective: 16th May 1995 (Publication No. 4854)

Model Extra cost option availability List Price (£) VAT (£) Total (£)
216 Coupe a c d g i j m 13080.85 2289.15 15370.00
220 Coupe a h i j m 15255.32 2669.68 17925.00
220 Turbo Coupe a h i j m 16859.57 2950.43 19810.00
Special Edition
216 Coupe SE c d 13612.77 2382.23 15995.00
Code List Price (£) VAT (£) Total (£)
Air conditioning a 940.43 164.57 1050.00
Alloy wheels 15″ Sports b 361.70 63.30 425.00
Anti-lock brakes c 863.83 151.17 1015.00
Automatic transmission d 800.00 140.00 940.00
Driver’s airbag e 225.53 39.47 265.00
Electric front windows f 280.85 49.15 330.00
Leather trim g 591.49 103.51 695.00
Leather trim ilo Cloth/Leather h 268.09 46.91 315.00
Paint finish – Metallic i 195.74 34.26 230.00
Paint finish – Pearlescent j 259.57 45.43 305.00
Radio/cassette R750 ilo R652 k 76.60 13.40 90.00
Radio/cassette R950 ilo R652 l 127.66 22.34 150.00
Radio/cassette R950 ilo R750 m 51.06 8.94 60.00
Sunroof – electric n 387.23 67.77 455.00
Ultrasonic Alarm o 72.34 12.66 85.00
Power Steering p 425.53 74.47 500.00


Effective: 12th October 1998 (Publication No. 5589)

Model Extra cost option availability List Price (£) VAT (£) Total (£)
1.6 16v Coupe a b c d e g 13744.68 2405.32 16150.00
1.6 16v SE Coupe a c d e g 14638.30 2561.70 17200.00
1.8 VVC 16v Coupe a f g 15489.36 2710.64 18200.00
Code List Price (£) VAT (£) Total (£)
Air conditioning a 595.74 104.26 700.00
Alloy wheels b 382.98 67.02 450.00
Anti-lock brakes c 425.53 74.47 500.00
Automatic transmission d 808.51 141.49 950.00
Leather trim e 595.74 104.26 700.00
Leather trim ilo Cloth/Leather f 340.43 59.57 400.00
Paint finish – metallic/pearlescent g 255.32 44.68 300.00